
To date, the use of this type of “smart” models in critical areas (such as self-driving, computer-assisted diagnosis, and other emerging technologies) has implications that hinder its adoption. Therefore, the proposed platform is based on the creation of a solid framework, currently lacking or non-existent, which allows model predictions to be interpretable, traceable, and auditable.
Promoting Team
led by Dr. André Carreiro, is composed of:

André Carreiro
André Carreiro, PhD in Biomedical Engineering, has a wide and diverse set of interests, ranging from Deep Learning for Multimodal Data to Explainable AI. He is permanently searching for new ways to provide value beyond performance, supporting decisions in areas from Manufacturing, Healthcare, and Security. Very curious, he tries to keep up with the trends in Artificial Intelligence and inspire his team with innovative ideas.

Filipe Soares
PhD Filipe Soares is a Senior Scientist expert in computer vision and intelligent systems applied to Healthcare, Agriculture, and Retail. He is an awarded innovation engineer, who’s never afraid of a big challenge, with the ability of learning new concepts quickly, anticipate problems, find solutions and coach team members with passion. Recently, Filipe has been more focused in entrepreneurship and AI-based software lifecycle processes and quality requirements for standardization.

João Gonçalves
João Gonçalves is a Researcher who is focused on solving real-world problems through the application of advanced techniques of computer vision and machine learning, including state-of-the-art deep neural networks. His wide interests also include image acquisition hardware as well as the blockchain-based technologies, to be applied in industries including Agriculture, Retail and Healthcare.
Promoting Entity
in which the research team is inserted:

Fraunhofer Portugal’s mission to undertake applied research of direct utility to private and public enterprises and of wide benefit to society, currently materializes itself through the Fraunhofer Portugal Research Center for Assistive Information and Communication Solutions (FhP-AICOS), located in Porto and born in 2009 following a partnership between the Fraunhofer Society (Fraunhofer Gesellschaft), the Foundation for Science and Technology and the University of Porto.
With a team of over 80 hired researchers and a client portfolio from a broad range of areas, such as health, agriculture, retail or energy, FhP-AICOS has consolidated competences in Human-Centered Design, Artificial Intelligence and Cyber-Physical Systems.
User analysis in their environments, computer vision, cognitive and decision support systems, and the internet of things are some of AICOS’ fields of study. Focused on applied research and its clients’ success, AICOS develops innovative, intuitive, accessible and ubiquitous technological solutions, with cognitive connected solutions, living and ageing with data, accountable artificial intelligence and decentralised health technology. FhP-AICOS’ track record in institutional and commercial collaborations has built a wide network of partners. Since 2009, it has been involved in 10 European projects and established partnerships with over 150 organizations in 31 countries.